Jul 12 12

How do I save a completed entry form on my computer?

You can save completed entry forms on your computer as a PDF file.

Note: on Windows, you will need to install Adobe Reader to view, print and save the entry forms. On Mac OS X, you can use the pre-installed Preview application.

  • Internet Explorer or Firefox (Windows): When you view an entry form, Adobe Reader will open it inside your browser window. To save the PDF file on your computer, click the Save button in the Adobe Reader toolbar.
  • Safari (Mac OS): When you view an entry form, Safari will open it inside your browser window. To save the PDF file on your computer, select File menu > Save As.
Jul 5 12

How do I make changes or correct a mistake on my entry form?

For electronic entries, contact the show office to make changes.

To make changes to print and mail entries, you will need to re-create the entry. Select the horse you want to enter and check the “Overwrite existing entries” box.

Jul 5 12

Why can’t I view the entry form I created?

There are two reasons you might not be able to view the entry form you created.

(1) On Windows, you will need to install Adobe Reader to view, print and save the entry forms. Get Adobe Reader for free at Adobe.com. On Mac OS, you can use the pre-installed Preview application.

(2) You must have pop-up windows enabled in your browser. Most browsers have a setting that disables allow pop-ups (i.e. a Pop-Up Blocker). We recommend that you set your browser to accept only Equestrian Connect to minimize other unwanted pop-ups. To change the settings, follow the steps for the browser you use:

  • Safari: Select “Safari” menu > Preferences > Security. Uncheck “Block pop-up windows”.
  • Internet Explorer: Select “Tools” menu > Pop-Up Blocker > Turn Off Pop-Up Blocker.
  • Embedded Pop-Up Blockers: If you have set your browser to accept Equestrian Connect and are still being ask to disable Pop-Up Blockers, check your browser to see if Google is part of your browser’s tool bar. If so, on the far right of the screen is either a “wrench” icon or a setting tab. Click on it and go to options, Uncheck “Pop-Up Blockers”.
Jul 5 12

How do I select multiple owners for a horse?

At this time, you can select only one owner for a horse. You can create a Person that consists of both owners names and one mailing address. Or you can select a single owner, and write in the additional owners after you have created your entry forms.

Jul 5 12

How do I create entries for horses that show with different trainers?

If you want to “stable” your horses with different barns on your entry forms, you will need create multiple groups of entries. First, select only the horses that will be going to the show and stabling with Trainer A. Create the entries. Then, go back and select the horses that will be attending the show and stabling with Trainer B.

Jul 5 12

When I create an entry form, the person I want to select as the owner, trainer or rider is missing from the list. How do I add people to the list?

When you create an entry form, you will designate the owner, trainer and riders by selecting them from your My People list. If the person you want to enter is not listed, you need to add it to your My People list. Go to “People” and either add the person to the system, or search for it and save it to your My People list. Check the appropriate boxes to list the person as an owner, trainer and/or rider.

Jul 5 12

When I create an entry form, the horse I want to enter is missing from the list. How do I add my horse to the list?

When you create an entry form, you will select one or more of the horses from your My Horses list. If the horse you want to enter is not listed, you need to add it to your My Horses list. Go to “Horses” and either add the horse to the system, or search for it and save it to your My Horses list.

Jul 2 12

How do I enable pop-up windows in my web browser?

You must have pop-up windows enabled in your browser. Most browsers have a setting that disables allow pop-ups (i.e. a Pop-Up Blocker). We recommend that you set your browser to accept only Equestrian Connect to minimize other unwanted pop-ups. To change the settings, follow the steps for the browser you use:

  • Safari: Select “Safari” menu > Preferences > Security. Uncheck “Block pop-up windows”.
  • Internet Explorer: Select “Tools” menu > Pop-Up Blocker > Turn Off Pop-Up Blocker.
  • Embedded Pop-Up Blockers: If you have set your browser to accept Equestrian Connect and are still being ask to disable Pop-Up Blockers, check your browser to see if Google is part of your browser’s tool bar. If so, on the far right of the screen is either a “wrench” icon or a setting tab. Click on it and go to options, Uncheck “Pop-Up Blockers”.
Jul 1 12

What software program do I need to view, save and print entry forms?

On Windows, you will need to install Adobe Reader to view, print and save the entry forms. Get Adobe Reader for free at Adobe.com. On Mac OS, you can use the pre-installed Preview application.